
Muscle Testing, kinesiology, Dr. Makala, One Family Wellness, chiropractor in Bellingham WA, health care, wellness, Neurolink, Neurological Integration System (NIS), back pain relief, lower back pain, neck pain, knee pain, holistic health care

“Healthcare that extends beyond the scope of mainstream medicine.”

-Neurolink Global

NIS uses a muscle response test as our window into your neurology in a system of prioritized protocols to facilitate nerve pathway reconnection. By increasing the communication between your brain and body, we optimize your body’s function under any circumstance.

Activator Methods Chiropractic, low-force adjustments, gentle, Dr. Makala, One Family Wellness, Chiropractor in Bellingham WA, sports medicine, pain relief, low back pain, neck pain, headaches, balance; posture, strength, relief for sciatica, health

A specific and non-invasive whole-body chiropractic technique. This modern approach is for the correction of subluxations (joint misalignments). The neurological analysis is my guide to diagnosing stress patterns in the musculoskeletal system. A low force-high amplitude instrument allows me to deliver intensional structural corrections.

NeuroEmotional Technique (NET), Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Mind-Body, Dr. Makala, One Family Wellness; Chiropractor in Bellingham WA, overcoming trauma, manifesting your dreams, emotional support, personal development, self-help, therapy, coaching

NET is a mind-body-based methodology of addressing the physical effect of the emotional/stress response.

Using Muscle Response Testing (MRT), we discover the origin of unresolved stress called a Neuro Emotional Complex (NEC) and assist the body through a scientifically proven method in extinguishing unprocessed stress from your neurology.

NET is not “talk therapy”; instead, we address the physical effects of emotional stress.

Get Connected

To arrange and appointment with us call/text 360.632.1304 or email